• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 22nd, 2018


Very occasionally, I post pony stories. Twilight Sparkle is the best pony. I drink my tea with milk, no sugar. Those would be the important bits.

By PoweredByTea

Fimfiction is full of awesome people

If there's anything missing from this list, PM me and I'll add it.

Live Readings

Never So Far Away, as read by The Architect

Never So Far Away, as read by the Living Library Society

Never So Far Away, as read by ABagOVicodin

The Wrong Fork, as read by Living Library Society

The Wrong Fork, as read by Bradel

The Wrong Fork
Live reading by CaptainBron3y (TheCaptainSand on youtube)

A Muddy Hole, as read by DeftFunk


Russian Translation of A Muddy Hole by Smikey

Russian Translation of The Wrong Fork by Smikey

Russian Translation of Never So Far Away by GlassMural.

Pony Stories from Other Parts of the Internet.

It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door. Some call this a crossover, but it's not really. I call it a story written in the spirit of The Hobbit. Regardless, it's a lovely adventure story which is as much about the characters themselves as the hardships they face.

Constellations. There's something truly timeless about this story.

The Worst Bakers in Equestria Saga. Yes, apparently I like farces. Yes, this is exactly as silly as it sounds. But it has Luna accidently becoming a superhero and probably my favourite vision of Trixie. What's not to like?

Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42

Tea only pops by occasionally!


I'm really sorry for taking so long to respond. I can't believe I missed this somehow. I do appreciate what you've done and again I'm sorry about missing this.

Your excellent story "Never So Far Away" has just received a reading!

I hope you enjoy it ^_^

Now you got 300 hundred followers.


  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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The Price for Luna Finally Marked as Complete · 9:34pm Feb 14th, 2018

Well, there you go. The Price for Luna is finally and officially Marked as Complete. I was considering if I should release a chapter at a time in some optimised, Bad Horse approved way. But no, part 4 flows into part 5 so I would hate to break them up, and then it’s the the epilogue.

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