• Member Since 12th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 17th, 2022



Time to fess up · 1:37am Sep 26th, 2013

Alright, guys. Time for me to bite the bullet. My Choices is officially On Hiatus.

Yeah, I know. It's pretty much been On Hiatus for a while now. But now it's official. I need to stop worrying about a project that's been stalled for a while now, and focus my energies elsewhere so I can keep writing. If I don't do this, it'll keep sitting in the back of my mind, taunting me with it's incompleteness. What I do now, I do for my peace of mind and the quality of my other writing.

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Yes, Patience /)(\

2359520 He's still around online writing fanfiction, hes active on the Spacebattles forums writing stuff for Worm. We just gotta hope he someday will return to writing here to finish what he started.

Alas koolerkid
we knew him well

Though i'm betting they will return eventually. because as we all know... patience is key

So, are you dead? Cause, I cry for your absence.

  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94
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