• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2011
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Fusion Blaster


State of the Fusion 2020 · 11:45pm Jan 11th, 2020

Well now it's that time again.

Your yearly State of the Fusion post.

Man this last half year BLEW. I got let go from my job for something not my fault. September and October just sucked total ass.

I got a new job and as of today I got the soils 1 cert so things are looking up. I have a new vehicle so that's nice.

Oh and my maternal Grandfather died today. I swear when ever i get good news i need to wait for the shoe to drop.

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Thanks for the bookshelf

Thank you so much for adding my story to your library, is very much apreciated

Thanks for the add

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

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