• Member Since 8th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2019



Brief Hiatus Now: Faster Updates Later · 7:18pm Nov 6th, 2011

Warmare is going on a brief hiatus. I need to revamp the storyline and improve the outline. (right now it consists of a few sentences-writing tends to come to me in scenes, and I really want to make sure I don't accidentally write myself into a corner like I did with the chapter that I'm working on right now-one stupid little oversight and now I've got a hunk of useless text) Once this is done in a week or two, there will be much faster updates! I will also have a couple other fics and/or

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Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57

My thanks to thee for the watch!

Thanks for the fav! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the favorite!

Jesus Christ, why the hell did you favorite Deus Ex: Cosplay Revolution? It's one of the stupidest stories on this site, and I have no idea how it managed to get a positive ratio of likes to dislikes.

Meh, either way, thanks for the favorite.

Thanks for faving Tough Stains. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57
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