The wheels of fate turn differently when Calvin's dad refuses to let him waste a can of tuna. Calvin and Hobbes crossover, without the Hobbes.
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Calvin and Hobbes is perhaps my favorite comic strip. It is by far the most intelligent strip that I've ever seen and it has the most to say in an intellectual sense.
This is... a fairly decent recreation of Calvin and his parents I suppose... a little dulled down perhaps. Remember, their attitudes are all particularly exaggerated.
...go on...
Oh, now this has potential!
Keep this going or I will hunt you down like a dog.....
Love the story
Weird, but interesting btw heres a comic you could use
Wait, what?
If I was asked which story would crossover with MLP it would not be Calvin and Hobbes. You have proved me wrong

no hobbes
I'm looking forward to seeing the next portion of this, if such ever occurs.
Hmmm... I'm not sure what to make of this. It could be good, it could be bad. I like what I read so far, so I'd like to see where it goes.
Please get Hobbes in somehow. I would love to see that meeting between him and Luna.
Missing "it" in-between.
Would definitely like to see what happens between these two, rather than just the setup.
Why is this on hiatus?
Why have you stopped writing this story?
Luna is dark blue, not purple.
Good story though.
need more