Apple Bloom doesn't know what her special talent is. But after an incident in the Everfree forest, she starts to have some dark suspicions about it. Her choices will echo through the ages, and they will call her Warmare.
Inspired by the popular Modern Warmare fanart.
Oh Boy, so you brought here as well... I guess it will defeiently make it easy to keep an eye on this. ~Celestia's Paladin, Ex Solis et Lunae, Providentia et Prospera
Cool. Tracking it now, can't wait to see where ya take this. Oh and about time someone did a fic on this!
I did the most manly thing ever when I saw a new chapter. I sqee'd.
And it was worth it. I'd give another 5 stars, but it'll only let me do it once.
Keep it up and def looking forward to more!
If Applebloom was in MW2, who would she be?
I would say a toss-up between MacTavish and Ghost.
Keep up the good work.
12045 LOL, and thanks for the support!
12104 Will do.
I have a confession to make. I have not played Modern Warfare. The only FPS I own are HL2 episode 1 and TF2, because that's free. And I haven't ever been able to log on to any servers on TF2
. Great name BTW.
Thank you all so much. I never thought that this would be so positively received. One thing I've been debating about is whether to ask modern-warmare over on DeviantArt if I can use his/her picture for the story. I'm leaning towards no at the moment, because there is a reason I named this Warmare, as opposed to Modern Warmare. Also, I don't want people to think this is a direct transposition of MW2 into ponies, which would probably be an issue with that picture. But I still would like some sort of picture to go with the story. What do you guys think?
I think this fic is excellent, and i especially like the special talent that you gave the earth ponies. I'm glad you remembered that alicorns have earth ponyness in them as well. most forget that.
12127 Thanks! Someone seems to have really hated it though. Dropped from 5 to 4.5 when it went from 9 to 10 votes. Probably didn't like the zebra scene.
Its ok.
And thanks
Wonderful! Really inspired, I like that it feels in place with AppleBloom's character. Keep writing!
Do you have an estimation as to when the next chapter will arrive?
Woah, this is getting good
Probably sometime this week.
Also, I now have permission to use the namesake image! The artist says she'll try and find the file without the overlay, but in the meantime I'll use the original.
Huh, this is... unexpectedly entertaining. : D
There better not be a betrayal scene...
I just loved killing Shepherd in the last mission....
Holy bejebus that was a good start. The shift from introspection to action was done flawlessly in both chapters. Even with the few tweaks here and there, this is still an incredible beginning which make me wonder why this hasn't made the 5-star mark. I feel conflicted though. On one hand I want you to update as soon as possible. On the other hand, I don;t want you to rush through an entire chapter, diminishing the story's quality.
Actually, I created a account just to find an easier way to track your story.
Thanks! I've been watching the reviews, as I mentioned here: 12285
Having done the math, it seems that I've been getting mostly 5's, possibly a few 4.5's, and a 0.5. Unless people have been changing their votes around to mess with me. Assuming it to be only the one 0.5 means that I would need a total of 90 5.0's before it rounded up to 5, meaning the next 76 people would need to rate this as a 5.0.
Fun to imagine, but never gonna happen (I'd be surprised if I managed to get that many ratings at all!)
Of course this is assuming a straight average without anything fancy like chucking out the furthest outliers or anything.
Like I said, I'm pretty sure someone
at the zebra scene, but really, the story is called Warmare.
As far as updating, I'm working on it, and it will probably be sometime this week.
13611 This fic was inspired by the picture, but it will follow its own plot. I have never played any Modern Warfare games.
13540 Thanks!
I'm loving it so far and am looking forward to more.
OK everyone, I've been having problems with the latest chapter. I'm going to try to have it out Sunday or Monday. It'll be longer than chapter 2. I'm aiming for 3K+. I really want to make sure it's a good one, because I appreciate all of your support.
Hi. Overactive Mind here. Nice to see you transplanting this story. I'll keep an eye on it here as well. Sorry I don't have anything more constructive for you, but I already said it on the other site.
Ghost: Soap, we've got a problem.
MacTavish: What makes you say?
Roach: Fucking ponies, figures.
I could just see their reactions
Makarov: Oh jeez...
Hmmm. While the fight was done really well, Some of the parts near the beginning and the end were a bit lacking in comparison to the first and second chapters. That being said, it was still a great chapter and I can't wait for the next one.
You thanked me?
For what?
20445 I agree with you. I'm going to be revising this (probably heavily) in the next couple of days, but I felt compelled to post this (I even did a blog post about how I wanted someone to pre-read, but then on impulse I posted it anyway). I probably should have waited, but I think I'm going to leave it up.
Hmm. Should I take this chapter down folks?
20451 For being you, of course! I love reviews.
20445 Also, could you be more specific on what parts you think need work? I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about, I just want to verify we're on the same page.
Me gusta. d^_^b
20418 LOL, I haven't played MW so I don't really get the joke.
Keep up the feedback on this chapter, I want to produce quality stuff. If someone were to volunteer to pre-read, that would be great.
Fight Scene, Listen to this song: Tragedy, by the Bee Gees
20468 LOL, how'd you come up with that? And was there anything in particular you felt needed work?
@ the author:
) If you need a pre-reader just PM me, i'll help where i can. Besides, helping others with stuff like that is a good way to start noticing mistakes in your own writing according to a friend of mine.
Fellow author here (albeit rather amature
20483 I would PM you, but for some reason I can't find that function. I'll send you the next chapter when it's done. What did you see that needed work on this chapter?
for this chapter just three things after a re-read.
paragraph 6: dealing with the other ponies on the road -minor
paranthesies around the black and white and red all over line? if it's a thought or something like that italics would be better than capitolization
last line: "It was her sister... The Warmare is back." -nitpick
And that be it. need my e-mail?
20526 Hmm. That last line was supposed to clarify that the Her Luna referred to was the Warmare. Ah, here we go. Sister, it was Her. Changing now.
Wow. Maybe the big Buttons that say message, LOL. Can't believe I've overlooked that for this long.
I thought of that because I bought a two-pack Bee Gees CD from Wal-Mart 3 days ago.
I thought it was fine, except it kind of sounded like it was hinting that Ditzy was the warmare instead of Sweety Belle.
Other than that, it was perfect.
Hmm, a little confused by the third chapter. Kinda feel like that stuff came outta left field, but I am curious to see what you're gonna pull off from it. Look forward to more!
yeah if you need a pre-reader i'll do it. just let me know.
Only one complaint in an otherwise fantastic story:
"Granny Derpy had just passed on with Dinky and Ditzy holding her hand."
Dinky and Ditzy holding her hand
holding her hand
A minor oversight, but one that stood out to me. Aside from that, great material, especially with the increased focus on the royal sisters as actual religious figures. And the Doo family curse, which definitely has me intrigued. And, of course, that unseen catalyst of strife. In short, I look forward to more.
Feet and hands now fixed. I thought I'd fixed them earlier but I guess I forgot to save.
It's amazing though how you can read over something you've written and totally miss stuff like that though.
I saw the title and thought "RAMIREZ"
LOL, I had to look this up.
Ramirez! Stop distracting me from the chapter revisions!
Ramirez! Stop distracting me from the new chapter!
Ramirez! Do a Barrel Roll!
Ramirez! Tell me what the name of your Ponysona is!
Ramirez! Do all the work while I sit behind and bark orders! (Basically what Foley does for the ENTIRE game.
A question, Apple bloom's cutie mark is the symbol of the SAS.
The apple family is the equivalent of a southern united states farming family.
That being said, there would be two possibilities for a U.S. Cutie Mark Equivalent, they would be:
Delta Force
You kill him in the last mission?
I kill him in all the missions that he is present!
Man, reading this over I sure use the word rage a lot. RAGE RAGE RAGE ENRAGED! Will be fixed in next draft. Full story outline is slowly coming along.
Not what i expected. I am pleasantly surprised.
More proof that pony will be crossed over with just about everything. This is quite well done- I like the intensity, and the concept is intriguing. Your fight scenes are smooth and well-paced. I'm not sure Princess Luna would have freaked out like that, being an immortal goddess and all- will there be some clarification eventually? UPDATES PLEASE!
Lol I'm surprised your door hasn't been kicked down with potential pre-readers. I'll volunteer to preread as well and I'd point out a few things right now but I'm on my iPod and typing isn't that easy as well as rereading and editing etc.