• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen July 19th


I enjoy writing, and I hope I can entertain you with my stories.


Chapter 13 is out! · 5:36pm Mar 15th, 2015

That's right people, after far too long, I have finally updated ODaM. So go! Read! And enjooooy! Muahaha!

In other story-related news, I'm making some progress on the next chapter already. No idea how long it's going to take, but I can only hope that it'll be up faster than this update was. :scootangel:


Report Rakni · 499 views · Story: Of Dragons and Mortals ·
Comments ( 101 )
  • Viewing 97 - 101 of 101

so this profile is dead then ;c

Please, continue this piece of art for your waiting readers.

Are you going to finish your story Of Dragons and Mortals?

I hope everything is alright with you :applejackunsure:

Friend, do you live?

Is the the story dead?

how's it going, duder.

  • Viewing 97 - 101 of 101
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