• Member Since 9th Sep, 2013
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need a proofreader · 5:34pm Feb 14th, 2016

Need a proofreader for my stories btw. All my saved links to proof readers are expired and iam not sure where to find new ones.

Anyone know where I can find a resource, they need to be alright with mature and dark (not extreme stuff though but I guess that's all relative)

Report Ikujekon · 555 views · #proofreader
Comments ( 70 )
  • Viewing 66 - 70 of 70

Thank you for the follow and for choosing to favor Mothers Do It Best, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the follow and the favorites for my Celestia series.

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Thanks for the fan ZBSL! What did you like about it?

  • Viewing 66 - 70 of 70
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