• Member Since 14th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 4th, 2014


I particularly enjoy the Equestria Girls setting and also have a soft spot for the CMC. Thanks for reading!


I'm marrying Rarity · 7:26pm Nov 7th, 2014

OK...not exactly! However, with my wedding only two months away I've basically not been writing at all...just so much to get done and take care of. Today though, I had a silly flash of inspiration this morning when I jokingly made an association with my finacee and Rarity. There are quite a few similarities though! Both are very fashion oriented, very neat and tidy, creative and artistic and (if she reads this I'm dead) dramatic at times.

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thanks for the fave!:pinkiehappy:


Thanks for the watch, dude. :moustache:

Good to hear. You were the only one that wanted to know how the story was going so I had to make sure you'd read it. Now I'm looking forward to a story about :twistnerd: making peppermint. Hoping the newest writer will write that up.


I did, it was fun :)

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