• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 3rd, 2020



A Work in Progress · 1:13am Sep 26th, 2013


First, I want to say that I have not forgotten about this site or all of my wonderful readers. However, I'm a teacher by trade, so when the fall rolls around, I get super busy grading assignments, etc. That doesn't mean I couldn't have been writing during my free time, but my now not-so-small puppy and lady are taking up a good chunk of my attention.

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Report YayOrNeigh · 1,141 views ·
Comments ( 47 )
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What upsets me is not that the story has become stagnant, but that YayOrNeigh hasn't given any new updates since a little more than two years ago. I can't imagine what is keeping him from logging in for just a minute and write a short blog or something.

Unlike others, I hope things are going well for you with your job as a teacher and your relationship. While I would love to see your only story continued, if you were to come back and say it is canceled I would not be upset.

Till next time, take care.

I am compelled to echo the sentiment of get back here and finish what you started.
If not at least let us know if you have no intention of finishing, that way I can cry myself to sleep a few nights and move on, this lack of closure is killing me.

You! You've been on hiatus long enough. Get back here and finish your story!.... Please?

18 months. This guy has been out for 18 months.
No updates, no blogs explaining what is happening, nothing.
Last thing he revealed was that he finished the first part of the next chapter. And before that, that he entered a relationship.
However, this account is dead, forgotten, abandoned.
I have nothing else to say.

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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