Project Harmonics 224 members · 7 stories

The intent of this group is to keep track of any stories that wish to use the concept of Project Harmonics and/or Project Ascent, as introduced in the story Project: Sunflower.

I don't have very many rules at the moment. All I ask is that you don't use anyone's OCs without permission, including mine. The exceptions are as follows:

Maggie Henson - Lead Scientist of Project Harmonics
Hermann Fischer - Lead Scientist of Project Ascent
Tom Edwards - Lead Scientist, Cybernetic division

Character bios will be posted later.

Project Harmonics can open up to any world you want. Feel free to do crossovers with any property you like! Don't worry too much about staying in "canon" with anyone else's story. Have fun with your own!

Comments ( 16 )
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Forgive me if this is innapropriate, but are we allowed to use this setting for mature fics?

355464 ≈1.62 is the golden ratio :P

Err, what's with 162? 314 is 3.14, Pi, and 404 is error "not found". What is 162?

352762 I'd rather be member #162 than either of those.

You are not mad enough. 100th, how mundane... I want to be 314th or 404th!

I am member 100! Bwahaha

Ok, something that has been on my mind since []creeper world 3 was released. The creeper in cw3 (and the rest of the series) is scarily close to the black tide in Project Harmonics. Anyone else here play creeper world see that as well?


I have ideas rattling around. But before I act on any of them there are some important questions that require an answer.

What is the status on Princess Twilight? Is that a thing which can happen within this continuity? Are alicorns born alicorns, or do they have to ascend like Twilight does in MMC? Both? Neither? And on the same line of reasoning what is the origin of Cadance and other historical alicorns (Hearts and Hooves day princess, the two alicorns on the Equestrian flag, ect)?

Are the original Black Tide assemblers capable of rearranging matter on the sub-atomic scale or are they limited to shuffling atoms around?

Will humans be able to reverse engineer the Black Tide organic computer structure? Do they already have something as efficient?

And perhaps most importantly: The processing power human tech has seems to be less than a decade in advanced of our own, which would imply that they've hit the physical boundary of how powerful silicon based semi-conductor technology can get. Which in turn would imply that they haven't figured out quantum computing or reverse engineered the brain's information processing system yet. Is this accurate?

309960 <-- Forgot to hit the reply to comment button the first time.
309982 <-- Continued from here.

I would say that yes, that is possible, but the power output would be immense, but the technology isn't there yet to even detect them. Rather than "tuning in" an alternate universe, you'd be seeking one out. You'd have to venture outside of your own collection of related "spheres" (which is a good term for them, if I understand you correctly) and find another sphere, rather than simply finding something fairly similar to your own reality in your own sphere.

I can not brain, I have the dumb… I'll try replying to this last part later, when I have gotten time to recover.

They're just searching randomly and see what looks good, aren't they?

The way I have Harmonics working in my head is that it locks on to another, parallel universe. Sometimes the universe is similar enough to ours that, not only will a planet be there (analogous to Earth) but that it is sometimes (rarely) even habitable. Physics (and magic) operating in the same way is optional.

Of course, the harmonics project team don't fully understand what they are doing. Their simply doing what gets the job done. Am I correct? From what I understand, they just know enough to make it work. As for what things are considered by their method, for comparable similarities; perhaps they do not even understand what is being compared. By “what”, I mean, what parameters. There may even be different “weights” attributed to the different parameters. I suspect that when the principals that harmonics are based on is better understood, they will be able to refine their search method to find what they are looking for quicker.

Many times when a Harmonic gate is open, the gateway opens into empty space... the parallel universe either doesn't have an Earth-planet of its own, or that planet is too far away to "lock on" with the gate. Once a connection is made, though, it's relatively easy to open it in the same location.

Quick, save the settings! And maybe it's like memory foam? The veil that is.

Alternatively, if the gateway was open on, say, Mars, we'd be finding potential Mars analogues.

Ah, an understanding has been achieved with this sentence! Harmonics accesses the equivalent point in space in the—I'm going with the term sphere—that is connects to, as the location of the harmonics project inside it's own sphere. So that would mean spacial coordinates could be translated mathematically from one sphere to another, if you map the positions of the stars (even if they are configured completely differently from one sphere to the next, they can still be used as reference points within that sphere) at each different location within the same sphere (preferably on the same planet, space travel is costly after all), that you set up a harmonics lab. I think you need three different locations minimum? More to increase accuracy a bit. So after figuring out how the stars relate to your position at each harmonics gate opened, you can compare the data, and predict where a new gate with open in one sphere compared the where you are accessing it from in the other.

All this is useless of course, if you do are not restricted to a certain location by where you build the lab. Or if you can not force the location to be restricted in such a way.

That was Erin's job, by the way. Fine-tuning the sensors and making educated guesses in order to try and get a wavelength that would open up into another world, rather than just empty space.

That did sound like a mighty dull job. Erin got her excitement though, that's for sure. …I want to be a pony too… :( Story characters have all reality shattering type fun. Which makes me think of a song! :pinkiegasp:

So, having read your post what it seems you're talking about is a multiverse (all the variants of a single universe) interacting with another multiverse. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Hmm… Sorta I guess. Think of Spheres are folders in a computer or something. Well, really extremely well organized folders. There are folders within folders, and after opening lots of folders inside each other, you get to the last one. This is a freaking huge hard drive by the way. The last level of sub-folder is like Equestria's Sphere and Earth's Sphere. (Say that five times fast.) The folders above the last sub-folder have only folders in them. Earth's/Equestria's Spheres folders have a bunch of files in them, that represent the contents of the Sphere. The differences between the files in Earth's folder and Equestria's folder would be small. Perhaps an XML file representing physics would have that addition of a section that allows magic to work in Equestria's folder, that is missing from Earth's. And perhaps there are some 3D modeling files that represent matter and stuff, which have some changes here and there between the folders. Not big changes you know, because their folders are basically right next to each other in the same folder. But if you start with Earth's folder, and up two folder levels, pick a folder you haven't seen yet, and go back down two folder levels to some random Sphere's folder, the differences between this new folder's files, and Earth's, may be as great as having some different file formats to represent how the things in the Sphere work. Whereas, all the folders directly next to Earth's and Equestria's folders, when at-least be the same file formats. But this strange new Sphere we just visited, which has files of a different format than those of Earth's Sphere's folder? The file format may not been very different from those of Earth's Sphere's folder's. Perhaps they are both based on the same type of technology, like XML, or tags or what have you. But if you copy how you found this new Sphere's folder, except this time, you go up three folder levels instead of two, you may find that even the similarity in technology that the formats of the files of the Sphere's folders are based on are radically different.

I hope this explains things more clearly. :\

I would say that yes, that is possible, but the power output would be immense, but the technology isn't there yet to even detect them. Rather than "tuning in" an alternate universe, you'd be seeking one out. You'd have to venture outside of your own collection of related "spheres" (which is a good term for them, if I understand you correctly) and find another sphere, rather than simply finding something fairly similar to your own reality in your own sphere.

I can not brain, I have the dumb… I'll try replying to this last part later, when I have gotten time to recover.

Gah! I reject your* reality, and substitute it with my own! Mine has ponies and humans!

your* does not refer to you Hoopy.

Insane ranting below:
But seriously, I am constantly in a state of near depression, because of how I view the real world. And then when I start thinking of people actually being able to go to Equestria (where things are good and simple, the government doesn't have a billion little laws and regulations to worry about accidentally getting on the wrong side of, be they just seem to have good old common sense make things work without relying laws that are made fifty years ago or more, and sometimes forgotten to all but the people who make a living actually learning the “system”), I get a strong longing to go to such a place, even without all those things it may not have, that are often viewed as nice to have. And of course, just to spite me, I have a textbook case of—how to phrase this—unrequited love for Rainbow Dash. At least I know what my type is for certain now… I've never encountered anyone in my life that fits that type though. Have you read Xenophilia? The feelings Dash has for Lero at the beginning are pretty close, perhaps a bit toned down, but close to how I feel. How I'd love to even see her for real.


The way I have Harmonics working in my head is that it locks on to another, parallel universe. Sometimes the universe is similar enough to ours that, not only will a planet be there (analogous to Earth) but that it is sometimes (rarely) even habitable. Physics (and magic) operating in the same way is optional.

Many times when a Harmonic gate is open, the gateway opens into empty space... the parallel universe either doesn't have an Earth-planet of its own, or that planet is too far away to "lock on" with the gate. Once a connection is made, though, it's relatively easy to open it in the same location.

Alternatively, if the gateway was open on, say, Mars, we'd be finding potential Mars analogues.

That was Erin's job, by the way. Fine-tuning the sensors and making educated guesses in order to try and get a wavelength that would open up into another world, rather than just empty space.

So, having read your post what it seems you're talking about is a multiverse (all the variants of a single universe) interacting with another multiverse. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

I would say that yes, that is possible, but the power output would be immense, but the technology isn't there yet to even detect them. Rather than "tuning in" an alternate universe, you'd be seeking one out. You'd have to venture outside of your own collection of related "spheres" (which is a good term for them, if I understand you correctly) and find another sphere, rather than simply finding something fairly similar to your own reality in your own sphere.

Hopefully, I answered your question in a way that makes sense. If I got the gist of it wrong, please let me know and I'll make another attempt to answer.

I was getting no notifications on updates to this group... I thought it was being ignored! :applecry:


I'll have to read through that in a bit, I've only had time to skim it for now. I'll get back to you soon, though!

Yeah, I have to finish those up. I got distracted by other projects! I'll have them up by the end of the week.

Hey, any ETA on those character biographies for Maggie, Hermann, and Tom? Or were they published elsewhere and I just missed it?

I had to say this lest I forget it.

I wonder if the full potential of project harmonics has been realized yet. Could it be pushed a bit further to grant access to, say … “parallel” worlds. What does the landscape of reality really look like?

We have seen in Project: Sunflower, that different uh “worlds” (?) can touch and interact. But does the place that these worlds exist in, also have it's own form of veil?

Is anyone else reminded of some kind of giant fractal? :pinkiecrazy:

There can be multiple planets in each World, and Worlds can be connected to each other to allow travel. (I'm running out of vocabulary that I'm comfortable using, so I'll just compound some words and make new stuff.) Suppose that each level/step of the fractal is called a Sphere. The World where the planet Earth (featured in Project: Sunflower) is housed is a Sphere level one, as is the World that Equestria resides in. Earth and Equestria have different physics (I'll call them that), as does that newly discovered world. I'm going to suppose that Sphere level two is what contains all the different Worlds (level one Spheres).

Can level two Spheres be connected? I think it's possible. Is it a wise thing to do? Probably not. But when has that ever stopped scientific progress?

What would you find in another lvl 2 Sphere? A place where the rules are different concerning Sphere lvl 2 space? I think this is likely more likely than finding “parallel” Spheres. I would think the parallel anything would be the highest level Sphere because it has to account for the actions and interactions of all Spheres below it. So if there is a Sphere like that, it would be the hardest to reach, and if Spheres are fractal-like in nature, then the highest level Sphere would be level infinity.

Now all that stuff about the parallel sphere being the highest one is only valid if your talking about truly alternate realities. If you want something similar to your own World (Sphere lvl one), but working under different rules, you could probably find it without going too high up the Sphere levels.

When I talk about connecting the Spheres of levels higher than one, you will also have to connect to a level one Sphere of the higher-than-level-one-Spheres that you would want to explore. Because I'm pretty sure you can't exist outside of a level one Sphere is that's where you originated. Unless perhaps the rules unique to that higher level Sphere permitted such things. :unsuresweetie:

How would you connect a level one Sphere that belongs to a different level two or higher Sphere? I think that because Project Harmonics is able to uhh … harmonize (?) between different Worlds, and can only find different Worlds as far as I know, then perhaps this is because the current technique to achieve this is not capable of creating the right kind of harmonization. Or the right level of harmonization. I think whatever type of waveform that is used in the gates to different Worlds just needs to be made bigger by an order of magnitude. And I think to achieve this, you would need to set up equipment on multiple Worlds and sync them some how in an harmony that can be controlled to reach into a higher level Sphere and then back down into a level one Sphere, which should be done automatically by the waveform (or whatever it's called).

I wonder though, how much more power would exploring a second level Sphere take? I would presume it to be an order of magnitude higher. But where does that energy actually go? I am of the opinion that it is just wasted by inefficient machinery, and should be reduced gradually as technology progresses.

If you made it this far, congrats on suffering through my enthusiasm. And thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Maybe I should have made a forum topic… But alas, I am to timid… Teehee!~ O_o

Here's the problem with all this: I tried posting a story, and it was blocked for Meta. Sorry, bro, it doesn't exactly look like this can go through...

I'm really looking forward to what other people can come up with!

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