Addressing Updating My Fics · 9:00pm Feb 17th, 2016
I feel like it's time I addressed this.
In the months since I've stopped updating my fics, I've had more than a few comments and PM's asking me when I would update and finish my works, when I was coming back... And for the most part, I've pretended to ignore them out of embarrassment and nervousness.
RIP dear author
For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...
Giving Peace To Those Who Are Lost Or Have Banish
You know what? You've written a lot of things that interest me.
I'mma creep on you.
top kek
Awww, thanks!
I'm glad you like my work.
I don't know what it is about you, but I cannot hate anything you write. Keep up the good work!