• Member Since 6th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 13th, 2015


Just a plain user here with a penchant for stories, roleplay, computers, and SCIENCE. Also looking into writing my own stories too! Just as soon as I fix my horrendous English... Oh, and I do art too.

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The Art Queue is Closed!

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Average Pieces Finished Per Week:

Art Queue Expected Wait Time:
5.5 Weeks

Updated: 09/09/13

Look at oodles of doodles that I've made!


Happy holidays to you all! And I come bearing gifts! · 11:38pm Dec 25th, 2013

Welp! It's time to make my bi-yearly blog post again. First of all, let me say that it has been a pretty exciting year, and it's truly an honor to have experienced it with you all. Thank you for being such an awesome company! Now what is a little festive cheer without a little spirit of giving? :raritywink:

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Report Conicer · 826 views ·
Comments ( 139 )
  • Viewing 135 - 139 of 139

I hope you're doing okay, wherever you've gone.

Not to be rude but are you still updating the google docs for your art queue? Its kinda outdated

I don't have feelings for you:fluttershysad::heart:

Conicer, you're really good great amazing awesome at drawing. I wish I could be as good as you!

Your doodles are awesome! :pinkiegasp: I could never draw that well, no matter how much schooling. :rainbowlaugh:

  • Viewing 135 - 139 of 139
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