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Help Needed · 11:44pm Dec 10th, 2016

Kriegor here...

I'm in need of some help regarding Machine and Might.

No editing skills required, I just need someone to bounce ideas off of. I warn you though, there'll be heavy, heavy spoilers.

PM me your skype name if interested. Thank you.

Report Kriegor · 701 views · Story: Machine And Might ·

Machine And Might stuff

Comments ( 111 )
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The thing about FIMFiction is that all stories are automatically backed up to FIMfetch. While it's restricted behind a password here, it's still readable over there- just not in the same format and not downloading like it is here. I also don't think it gets update when it's behind a password either. If you want the link, here you go.

I'm guessing that it is being used as a way to set the stories to "private." They still exist, and Kiegor can still look back on them, but nobody else. I could be wrong; I don't know if there is already another way to do that, it has been many years since I frequented this site.
Perhaps Kriegor felt that they were no longer the stories that he or she wanted to tell to the world.

Awww that one too?
I think I have a copy of it somewhere. Maybe even on this device. Seeing as Kiegor locked it up him or herself though, I wouldn't upload it anywhere.

I checked Kriegor's stories, and apparently ALL but two are gone now! :fluttercry:

I believe it's a feature meant mostly to help with cooperative writing, so that you have a possibility to show a given story to only a select few people before properly publishing it, for example.

As for Machine and Might though, I too am wondering what on Earth might be happening. Unless it's being overhauled - which I doubt - I don't see a reason to lock it behind a password. It's one of my all-time favourite pieces of literature too!

Yeah why on earth is there a damn password required to read it? It's utterly bizzare why would that even be a feature on this website in the first place for that matter?

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