• Member Since 12th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2012



I have to blog post about this. (Non-MLP related) · 1:34am Sep 19th, 2012

While I was working on Spike's Spike, a late-night movie was broadcasted on the television. And I watched it while writing the story, and it was one of the most random, hilarious, utterly nonsensical movies I have ever seen.

The movie was called "Mom", a 1980s/early 1990s flick about a 70 year old-something mother becoming a Vampire.

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Comments ( 119 )
  • Viewing 115 - 119 of 119

I wonder what happened to him?
I loved his Spike's Luna fic.

2789069 Its Alexstraza and Wanderer D

We ahould start a petition to get him unbanned from Fimfiction. Also, is that Knighty and Nicholas Cage?

Mallajong isn't no longer a member of FIMfiction

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