• Member Since 11th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 26th, 2015



Hallo · 1:00am Nov 13th, 2013

It has been quite a long time since I've posted anything on here.

I apologize if you have been waiting for any updates to these stories. There's a lot of work done on them so far, but between senior year of high school, music making and college applications, as well as trying to have some time away from screens and with my friends, I'm totally stuffed full of s**t to do and this happens to fall below most of my priorities.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

Your blog reminded me of a funny quote, likely found elsewhere but primarily I saw it there.
Of Dragon Ball Z abridged perhaps you've heard?

I digress, I've come to pay you back rhyme,
for sir on my story have spent time.
Both defending and appreciating,
so for that my thanks will not be abating.
I owe you much but I own little besides dues.
So here take this! It's my favorite, boose.


Really though thank you for the support man.


Oh dear God...

And from the Forums, I have followed you here. Consider yourself...stalked. :raritywink:


:3 Dat BoEtDD.

But thanks. Usually people just think wtf.

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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