• Member Since 29th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2017


As I stroke each letter key The only thing that concerns me Is that my fingers dance so well To create a perfect story to tell


Updates, for those that care. · 8:21pm Jan 9th, 2013

I know it may seem silly to some, but I feel it's always important to try and stay in touch with your watchers, subscribers, etc. I'm trying to do better with that. I tend to think that since I don't have hundreds or thousands, that people don't really care. But that's not true, the value of a watch is not dependent upon quantity, it is each individual's delicate voice that calls out...ok yeah I'm rambling, sorry.


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Comments ( 18 )
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Just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and hope everything is going well! :yay::heart::rainbowdetermined2::duck::heart::ajsmug:

Hope all is still awesome! Can't wait till I can play one of your stories in the game!

And hopefully, see some new stories up here! (maybe updates on Generosity and others? <3)

Best of luck with everything in life, Seanessy! Hope to continue to read more of your works!

thank you your story has been added I humbly request that you join our group as a contributor

I would be honored to have my story placed in your group. Thank you :pinkiesmile:

Hello sir or madame,

I am Obsidian Raindrop the creator of a group known as The Great and Not Obsessive Trixie I am here to ask if you would like your story to be added to my group.

The only requirements are:

1. You have a story about Trixie and she is not completely obsessing over her lose at the hands of Twilight. (She can hate that she lost to twilight and even try and beat again but she just can't be be so obsessive like she is in most stories. )
2. She may be a supporting character or a main character it does not matter.
3. i can`t think of a third thing

Sorry to all those who either received this email twice or who don`t have trixie as a main or supporting character. Also just PM me if you want your story added.


It's me Obsidian again asking you guys to do stuff you don't want to.

1. tell me the name of your story and the one folder you want it in

2.join the group it is really cool and we'll soon get a banner up

3. fallow because it will boost my confidence

Yours truly, Obsidian Raindrop

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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