My Favorite Set
It's Time To Duel! Yugi Moto and friends face off against a group of duelists from a far off land, but are the stakes as innocent as they first appear? 100,438 words · 151 · 11
Heart of the Dragon General General Iroh of the Fire Nation finds an infant Princess Cadence shortly after the death of his son. Taking it as a sign from the spirits, he decides to raise her. 100,187 words · 2,217 · 59
Dear...Princess Celestia? Thrust into a universe that is not his own Dusk Shine will find that being stuck in a diffrent world is the least of his problems as he clashes with previously banished Queen Chrysalis princess Luna growing attraction and his angry female counterpart 16,766 words · 2,432 · 94
Top Favourites
Dexter's Lab: Equestria Doom and Gloom while things go Boom in . . . Equestria? 189,259 words · 2,574 · 69
By the Light of the Sun Waking with the powers of a god can change someone's entire life. Waking as a wolf that is a god can change someone's entire being. 26,266 words · 826 · 118
A Raccoon in a Pony World What do you do when you whined up in Equestria transformed into one of the greatest thieves of all video game history? 6,465 words · 300 · 19
A Wild Pony in Equestria Ranma Saotome wakes up deep in the Everfree Forest one day and ends up as a pony shortly afterwards. Clearly, Ranma was not ready for Equestria, but is Equestria ready to face its latest resident? 41,265 words · 369 · 17
Loving it so far. Gonna be interesting how a 7-person herd dynamic unfolds. I don't know about some, but I'm picturing some steamy threesomes to get Danny-boy ready for a full group.
Thank you for having added How I Ended Up Living With Six Pony Girls? to your favorites! I means a lot to me, and I am glad you're enjoying it so far.
"Thank you for the favorite."
Thanks for the follow!
I don't put any story on my fav list till I've read everything it currently has up. The spot was well earned.