• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 23rd, 2014



Back in the Saddle Again (lol) · 5:52am Jun 16th, 2013

Sooo, I am altering the fics I have posted already... I think we have all seen that I clearly can't do things with chapters, namely because I get bored and distracted between chapters, and I wanna do other things, but can't because I have those stupid chapters glaring at me to be finished. I don't even know where I'm going with stuff most of the time. So, oneshots are perfect for me, and I feel like they will probably be better received, as well. For anyone interested, here's how its going

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Report RarityCatchMe · 615 views ·
Comments ( 28 )
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Need more twi-pie!!!!

Yay for unknowingly making people laugh! My username is my favorite line so far in the series, and... Trixie is best everything. They're unrelated, but now that I think about it... making them related would be seriously hilarious.
As you should! There is no one more posh than The Great and Poshful Trixie.

phftftftftphhh HAHAHAHAHAHUEHAHEWHEHE your name and picture together are so funny! i dont know why, but ive been laughing for literal hours about it! i was finally able to write a comment about it when it died down huehue.... good name love it obviously.... sorry have to start again AHHHAHAHAHAHEHEHUEHUEHEWHEWHAHUEHEHA:rainbowlaugh::twilightblush::yay::rainbowlaugh:

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