• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2021


I'm here for you.

Hello there.


Grimview Rock · 7:40pm May 18th, 2015

It's not in my nature to be contentious or offensive, even with myself. I'm a coward and a follower. But today I find myself going around and around in circles on life's big picture, trapped in a shortcircuit. In order to escape, I must challenge the fundamental assumptions because the thought has no end, and if I try to concentrate on it I end up back where I started with less time left to think. This is worth writing down, of that I'm certain, not because it is a discovery or a great idea,

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:rainbowlaugh: lol where i am its 11:25pm


I'm up later than I should be most nights too.

just didnt want the whole actually-im-a-girl/boy thing to happen.
as for questions: night owl much? (i sure am!)


Hi! If you have any questions or concerns just let me know.

And it's most assuredly Mr.

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