• Member Since 19th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2013


im a simple otaku turned brony i do art, voices and commentary


why bother noone reads this · 5:06am Dec 11th, 2012

okay I jest need to vent
hello computer I see youre my only friend I think about you constantly I thrive off your attention you know 18 is said to be the best years of your life

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Well I guess I gotta write this one two I have duel nature so I am only happy with friends and with ponies being all for that then sign me up
Let's see I'm horribly shy I have very little self esteem I'm am very indifferent I never kissed a girl never had a girl friend and I can make a list of all my faults easier than my advantages and good things about me but I'm two people like pinkie pie that's how I see myself good day

Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14

Trixie heard that you are looking for a editor for your stories.

Here is a whole group of pony willing to help.

If your too shy to ask somepony here is is a pony Trixie knows is willing to help.

What is it about the Gak thing and the mods? Did they really ban it?!

Edit: saw it... PERMA BAN???????

I know you've been here for a while, but have a welcome anyways!

Welcome welcome welcome! A fine welcome to you!
Welcome welcome welcome! I say, how do you do?
Welcome welcome welcome to a choice you won't regret!
Welcome welcome welcome to FIMFiction.net!

Thanks for following me! :yay:
I really appreciate it and I hope my stories continue to entertain you in some way. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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So yea hi every one how's it hanging lemme tell you who i am
My name is Harry I'm 18 I live in Texas my favorite pony is RARITY My favorite music is rock and violin and I don't have an OC so no self inserts here
