Rainbow Dash takes part in her first professional race, in a hell that not everyone have conquered. Against her, race the Blue Blur and F1 current champion, will she be part of those who conquered the track?
The Games We PlaySomepony is once again masquerading as Mare Do Well, and it's up to Rainbow Dash to figure out who.by AbsoluteAnonymous
137,602 words
· 1,998 · 60
My Little DashieWhat would you do if you found a Filly Rainbow Dash in a box?by ROBCakeran53
12,524 words
· 13,494 · 820
Good timing, as I just sat down to my computer again. :)
I've never hit the feature box on FimFic, but my AJ one-shot, 'The Furthest From the Tree', did make it to EQD and the Las Pegasus Tribune.
Feel free to peruse any of my stuff though. I appreciate the views!
1084366 You're very welcome! I see you have more works, and a few were featured (if I'm not mistaken), I'll definitely read them later on!
Thanks for the fave of 'Scars'. I appreciate it!
378516 No need to thank me! That fic was really funny, I just had to!
Thank you kindly for the fave! I'm glad you liked it