• Member Since 10th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 11th, 2022



Hai! Not dead! · 6:30am Apr 30th, 2013

Heeello, everypony /-body /-thing! Just wanted to let you all know that, no, I'm not dead, just...Distracted. School and life can do that to people, I suppose.
So, I recently took a trip to Florida, that being a 13-hour drive from my home in little ole' Belton, Texas. I was going for my uncle's wedding, which was really cool, but I had to miss school for it, which, with my grades, was NOT a good idea, but...My parents decided to do it anyway. Oh well. (I seem to say that a lot...)

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Report IndecisiveOlivia · 411 views ·
Comments ( 17 )
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Happy new year from France.:yay:

Join my group Federal Daze please.

257928 Well, I'm about 5 hours and 50 minutes late down here in the United States, but Happy New Year to you as well. :trollestia:

Right now, it's 00h30 here in France, so allow me to say this:

Happy New Year ,my friend.


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