• Member Since 7th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 50 minutes ago


I have no idea what I'm doing.

Things I wrote.

Comments ( 888 )
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https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

Ah, so you've read about Lyra's medical condition.

Your user name is clever, and I am jealous. . . Well played.

Could you send me a list?

Is there anything you outright wouldn't write about?

I mean... I can't write my own stories... but I guess?

Would you be willing to take a request?

totally not dead, I just do other things

Oh my gosh you're still active on this site

Hi!! :pinkiehappy: It's been awhile!

Thanks for reading Twilight's Sexy Little Experiment.


Thank you for giving Twilight Doesn't a fave. If you happen to read my other tales, I hope you enjoy them as well. :twilightsmile:

Merry Christmas! :twilightsmile:

And a happy new year! :pinkiehappy:


you follow me?

Thanks for the watch, I really appreciate it!:twilightsmile:

Hey, thanks for the follow!:pinkiehappy:

Hey, thanks for the fave!:pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 869 - 888 of 888
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