So uh....yeah · 5:27am Aug 29th, 2015
I'm kind of back, wouldn't blame anyone for not remembering me but on the flip side I'll be pleasantly surprised if anyone does. So whats going on?
I'm kind of back, wouldn't blame anyone for not remembering me but on the flip side I'll be pleasantly surprised if anyone does. So whats going on?
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728793 Lloyd Irving comes out of nowhere and uses some artes on you
1. Demonic Chaos
2. Hurricane Thrust
3. Raining Tiger Blade
Hey Flutters!
I got a cupcake for you.
Being all quiet this party.
Here its HUGE.
All for you from The Pinkie Pie's Smile Association.
Eat as much as you can OKi?!?!!
You said you didn't comment much and so were a 'quiet one' but I have found you, and now you are mine
728793 wat
And now you are mine... Oh quiet one