• Member Since 10th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 17th, 2014


Stories I have Wrote or Co-Written


New computer and a happy New Year to boot!!! · 4:54am Jan 1st, 2013

Well, got my new PC today so I can start over the chapters from scratch. I hope every one of you has a wonderful New Year's, even those who it has already passed for!!

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Comments ( 247 )
  • Viewing 243 - 247 of 247

What's that? Oh, thought I saw something. Nope, still dead. Will check back in a year or so again.

Either he's dead or he completely gave up. His last message was over 2 years ago and he left on a happy note. So SOMETHING must have happened.

If you are truly dead, then may you rest in peace.

Is he actually dead?

This is the second author to die on me.

  • Viewing 243 - 247 of 247
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