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mistake and editing · 5:48am Mar 26th, 2019

Hi all!

Am sorry for those who are looking for an update for the story and more, but the truth is it was a 2 sec mistake I made when trying to do an edit to the chp.

i was about to hit the edit button but ended up hitting the publish one. I am so very sorry for anyone looking to an new update but like i say before when its done it be worth it!

Report zsewqthewolf · 259 views · Story: Weekend Fun and Headache ·
Comments ( 245 )
  • Viewing 241 - 245 of 245

yup and made it years ago

Is your avatar from the Fursona creator on Kongregate? Holy hecc, I haven't seen that thing in years.

Comment posted by Trooper deleted Oct 27th, 2019

i like to talk to more about that fic

Hi! Thank you for adding Aftersound to one of your bookshelves!

  • Viewing 241 - 245 of 245
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