• Member Since 17th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen July 4th

Lunarus Solaris Nexus

I write mostly non cannon breaking fanfics that involve no shipping. Most are centered around the military of Equestria so if you like that kind of thing you aren't going to be disappointed


Still not Dead? · 3:44am Mar 27th, 2017

The title means more than you think. I know nobody really says shit on my blogs but may as well put it out. So I was thinking of writing the fic that is eluded to at the end of Out of Time. The war between Griffons and Ponies. I don't know if I should make a prequel where the events that truly lead up to that begin. Lilly's about 3 and Astral's 8 and the Griffon Prince is putting things in place to basically try and take over the world. The sequel will be 15 years later. Hey it takes time for

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Report Lunarus Solaris Nexus · 350 views · Story: Out of Time ·

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Still not Dead? · 3:44am Mar 27th, 2017

The title means more than you think. I know nobody really says shit on my blogs but may as well put it out. So I was thinking of writing the fic that is eluded to at the end of Out of Time. The war between Griffons and Ponies. I don't know if I should make a prequel where the events that truly lead up to that begin. Lilly's about 3 and Astral's 8 and the Griffon Prince is putting things in place to basically try and take over the world. The sequel will be 15 years later. Hey it takes time for

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Report Lunarus Solaris Nexus · 350 views · Story: Out of Time ·
Comments ( 8 )
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So are we. He was on the foalfree press' watch list of toxic fimfoc useres. Or one of his alt accounts

Dang. Glad he's gone then. :derpyderp2:

No Fragment was an admin that harassed the others then turned the group against us after we banned him.

Huh. I'm guessing the "Fragment Incident" is referring to all the other factions that arose (Solar, Chaos, Crystal, Griffin, Friendship)?

Yeah, that clears up the ranking system for me. :pinkiesmile:

Anywho, hope your gaming does better tomorrow. Put your grrr face on! :twilightangry2:

It really doesn't have any meaning anymore. I don't think it had real meaning but since the Fragment incident way back when I think there's even less meaning now. Honestly I'm having a bad day in video games so I really don't wanna go into the negativity that was that time in the NLR's life. But the group is more or less dead now if you didn't notice so I don't think it really mattered.

Now if you're wondering about things like My OC well in both the fics and the NLR he's a Colonel despite the fact I am legally unable to join the military.

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