• Member Since 30th Dec, 2012
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Farewell to a Wonderful Woman · 10:11pm Jul 23rd, 2016

For those who remember my "Fuck Cancer!" blog, I revealed that my mother had been diagnosed with lung cancer and that she sadly would not pull through from it. You might also remember that I wasn't certain about how much longer she had left to live. Well, it is with a heavy heart to inform you all that today was indeed her last day. Yes, as of now, my mother is no longer of this earth. As you can imagine, me and the rest of my family are pretty heartbroken over this. I feel so sorry for anyone

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Report BronyRanger · 552 views ·
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Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted Jun 9th, 2020


Don't mention it, partner.

Thanks for the watch :pinkiehappy:


Thanks, man. We already have a good chunk of the script done over at PlotBot.

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