• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen July 4th



News, also, still not dead · 4:54pm Nov 13th, 2022

And don't worry, the news is good. Mostly. Here's the deal: I have OFFICIALLY FINISHED Chapter 53 of Dueling is Magic! Many Futures. Well, pretty much anyway. I'm debating whether or not to add one more description of something happening at the end of the duel. But other than that and selecting the Featured Cards, the chapter's finished. FINALLY, right?

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Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

Were my comments ok.?

Did you see how they are finally printing Number C1000: Nummeronious too?

2361004 Already saw. This thing kicks SO MUCH ass! Even the artwork is awesome! Even just played a round with it in YGOPro. Take THAT, Bujins!

Good news! Cosmic Blazer Dragon's effects have been revealed. Click here to learn what they are.

1663307 lol Well, better late than never. Hope we can continue what we were discussing soon. But, in the meantime, best of luck with whatever's keeping you busy.^^

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