• Member Since 19th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago


Big fan of Spike x Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon(2 in 1 deal pretty much), Spike x Chrysalis and huge fan of those 4 mentioned characters. Erm.. well wanted to mention that. Um.. yeah.

Blog Posts

  • 6 weeks
    Just visited my grandparents grave.

    Whatever be going on while talking these past couple of hours on my phone on here, just figure I make this to mark this being the day since I finally visited my grandparents grave.
    Why thats important is since I haven't saw either of their graves since grandpa's funeral in January 2021.
    Never got the chance to till now since my life got screwed up hard for a while because of my aunt and uncle.

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    0 comments · 54 views
  • 13 weeks
    5th anniversary yesterday

    Realized yesterday its 5 whole years since I made an account on here to truly join the MLP fandom fully.

    Man, a WHOLE LOT has happened in these past 5 years.

    I am still really glad I did join since it feels like it filled a huge hole in me and kept me occupied in a way.
    And met many great people since joining the fandom.

    Here's to 5 more years and more.

    6 comments · 108 views
  • 20 weeks
    Happy late Leap Year

    After remembering this was Leap Year, I figure I make a blog about it since it only happens ever 4 years.

    0 comments · 71 views
  • 27 weeks
    Just got my second job!

    Managed to land a 2nd job with Mcdonalds to go with my 1st job with Circle K
    I am now steps closer to getting to my goal!

    2 comments · 90 views
  • 28 weeks
    I got a new job!

    Officially got hired at Circle K!
    Went to orientation today and it went really well.
    Just gotta go tomorrow to finish training and hopefully the schedule will be smooth and plenty of hours.
    I am one step closer to getting to live on my own and getting my life back on track(ever since grandpa passed away in early 2021)

    4 comments · 110 views

Just visited my grandparents grave. · 9:37pm June 8th

Whatever be going on while talking these past couple of hours on my phone on here, just figure I make this to mark this being the day since I finally visited my grandparents grave.
Why thats important is since I haven't saw either of their graves since grandpa's funeral in January 2021.
Never got the chance to till now since my life got screwed up hard for a while because of my aunt and uncle.

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Report nightshroud96 · 54 views ·
Comments ( 278 )
  • Viewing 274 - 278 of 278

Mainly a heart attack

I was fearing I might lose grandpa because of it
Ironically I lost him because of something else y

I wish the creators of this virus were strung up by their necks. My grandma died from this virus.

  • Viewing 274 - 278 of 278
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