• Member Since 25th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2023


Because who deosn't like a bit of childhood nostalgia?

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  • 117 weeks

    Holy crap! Thirty-six thousand words! The Lost Prophecy has come a long way since it first began!

    2 comments · 109 views
  • 131 weeks
    A Return to Fimfiction!

    I am Alpharius, this is a lie.

    Hello everyone! After a two-year hiatus, I have finally returned along with my story: The Lost Prophecy of Equestria. To be honest, I fell out of love with the story due to writer's block, mental fatigue, IRL issues, and so much more.

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    1 comments · 194 views

Wow... · 12:47pm Apr 28th, 2022

Holy crap! Thirty-six thousand words! The Lost Prophecy has come a long way since it first began!

Report AlphariusOmegon · 109 views ·
Comments ( 3 )
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Wonder if everything is ok?
I am feeling pretty concerned honestly.

I think it’s just the same name

So I have to ask. I've seen your name on Facebook and the Alpha Legion 30k group. Same guy? Or just the same name?

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