• Member Since 14th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen July 9th

Just another degenerate

" i see the world for the cesspool it is


Life sucks XD · 1:47pm Aug 8th, 2021

2020-2021 have been the worst years in human history. hoping 2023 is better

Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

Thanks for adding Second Chance to your random shit folder lol.

Thanks for adding the Magic of Friendship, Love, and Guns to your favorites^^

Yeppers! :pinkiehappy:

You deserve a smile, awesome possum!

Trying to spread more kindness around this site. Always here to bring the cheer. 😇💖

You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! 🍪:rainbowkiss:

You ever need anything, I'm always around. 😌

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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