About Me
I'll edit this over time, this is just some basic information about me:
What's your first name?
Jack, obviously.
How old are you?
I am twenty-three, my birthday is April 18th.
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Florida.
When did you first start watching the show and why?
I started watching sometime around Season 2 or 3, though I'm not entirely sure. I just saw stuff on the internet and decided to watch the pilot episode, I was a fan ever since. Sorry if that's a boring answer.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Nothing good, I assure you.
What's your favorite genre(s)?
I love a good horror story if it's done well, though, those tend to be quite uncommon.
Okay, what will you not read?
I don't like crossovers that much, and I'll only read an HiE if I think it has a lot of potential; no EqG either.
What's your favorite character(s) from the show?
Probably Fluttershy, truth be told. Though, Twilight is a close second.
Least favorite character(s)?
Spike. Also, I don't hate them, but Princess Celestia and Luna are completely overrated.
If you have any other questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer as long as they're not too personal.
Hi, hope all is well on your side.
I know this is a shot in the dark but I’m trying to track down a spinoff of a fanfiction and thought I’d ask you since you were an active mod at the time.
So basically in the late 2010s on fimfiction I saw a blog post by a fandom author and I'm trying to track it or its contents down.
The post was basically saying that they were cancelling their fanfic series and reworking it into a OC story that they were hoping to publish as YA fiction.
I recall the fanfic being about the Shadowbolts, minor antogonist characters from Equestria Girls 3 movie. It was a slice of life/coming of age thing.
I’ve scoured the internet for this but found nothing. Do you have any ideas?
Kind regards
Sorry, I know this is weird and completely out of the blue.
Hey there.
How's life treating you?
(I don't mean specifics, just in general.)
You're the only still active Fimfiction mod (that seems easily approachable and not terrifying) that I haven't interacted with in any capacity yet.
Beartooth would not be my usual cup of tea music-wise, but "The Lines" definitely isn't bad.
Not at all.
You are obligated to keep the userbase safe. Read the user reports, and remove BradyBunch.
Hey Jack