• Member Since 18th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Dreams of Ponies

I believe if there's any kind of god, it wouldn't be any of us. Not you or me, but just, this little space in between.


Editing requests · 11:29pm Aug 20th, 2017

I decided to make an official post about this, seeing as I've received a good number of requests recently.

If you need an editor for your story and would like me to take a look at it, please look over the information below and see if it qualifies.

1. No smut please. This does not include romantic stories that happen to have a clop chapter, but rather stories written for the sake of the sexual acts.
2. While I'm not opposed to editing HiE, I don't care for EQG or self-inserts.

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Ohh Noo!! · 9:26pm Feb 17th, 2022

Hello, Ponies. I know it's been a while, and I promise I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing, with the help of a special mare beside me, but this isn't about me.

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Comments ( 34 )
  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34

you're awesome :3

Thanks, Dashy. I love you, bud :twilightsmile:

You don't have a comment on your page yet this year. Somepony needs to fix that. :trollestia: :derpytongue2:

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