• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen July 16th


Fan since Gen1, Queen Chrysalis Fave Villain, love to write, draw, and read. I now have a Kofi page: https://ko-fi.com/queenchrysalisforever

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Life is really a struggle sometimes. Update of sorts. · 6:38pm Jun 6th, 2022

Hello all. I know it has been far too long since I've made any updates on anything really and I am very sorry about all that. Life the past few years has just been difficult mentally and emotionally for me and I really haven't had the right mindset to do much writing. As I come to terms with a lot of things as I grow older and have truly entered adulthood- ever since I graduated college.

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Comments ( 454 )
  • Viewing 450 - 454 of 454

It's okay. My dog will be gone by Christmas time and now I just lost the Follower who was my very first follower

Cool. Me, not so much

  • Viewing 450 - 454 of 454
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