• Member Since 31st Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Grizzly Nation

Hi i'm just someone who writes fanfics and if you like a story then show support to give me even more inspiration to write.


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Okay so... · 2:34pm Nov 7th, 2020

Yeah, I kinda failed my goal of finishing before November, and I'm really sorry about that. I got pretty sick and felt awful for a while and I had to miss school. Which consequently meant I had to make up all of the work I had missed. Which was kinda a lot... So, I'm back to writing and hopefully, I should be able to get another chapter out soon.

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Comments ( 61 )
  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61

Shoot I'm late

What about writing short stories? Maybe to get the gears turning?

Thank you, hopefully I can get out of my writing slump and give you guys a story you deserve.

  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61
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