• Member Since 25th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Not a serious writer, and occasionally I create or forget about loose ends entire. That being said, I never stop trying to improve.


Imitation can only go so far before you spot the outright theft. · 2:35am Sep 7th, 2018

So I was reading a story to kill time, just enjoying myself.

Then I notice that this author was writing about runes. Cool, I thought. Someone else likes the idea.

Then I noticed the words seemed mighty familiar about how he was explaining them.

The idea of aspects? Hmmm.

Oh wait, long lost family returning to canterlot to see the princesses. Hmmmm.

Oh wait, the same fucking lines used to introduce them to the characters and story as a whole?

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A New World-verse, my latest craze.

Comments ( 128 )
  • Viewing 124 - 128 of 128

When feeling nostalgic, I give a read to some of your stories and they never fail to bring a smile onto my face through these years since I discovered them. :twilightsmile:

Kind of wild that you're still on here Thadius, a decade later.

well then he probably just quit writing then

He was just online yesterday.

well it looks like he no longer goes on this website no update in 4 years so I assume that's true

  • Viewing 124 - 128 of 128
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