• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I actually got into the show because of the crossovers.

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My thoughts on... · 2:36am Aug 30th, 2018

Transformers Beast Wars

Yeah, a 'thoughts on' thing as a first blog post.

Well anyway, About a week ago I finally got around to watching Beast Wars. I have been a Transformers fan ever since Armada came out and i hadn't seen BW until then. Yeah Heresey. But let's be serious here.

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Report graysean86 · 307 views ·
Comments ( 89 )
  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89

Thanks for adding Amaura Borealis to your favorites!

thanks for the favorite!!!

Thanks for the favourite on Pokémon Red and Purple!

Thanks for adding Two Worlds, One Planet to favorites! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav ya silly!

  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89
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