Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories

This is a group for fans of Power Rangers. You don't have to be a fan of any particular season, but flame wars will not be tolerated. If you have a Power Ranger or Super Sentai inspired fic, fill free to add it in the correct folder.

Comments ( 40 )
  • Viewing 21 - 40 of 40

Has anyone has ever met Ranger Actors in your lifetime? Cause I have met 7 so far in my life

Hello I am new here I am love all the Power Rangers shows but I can’t wait for Dino Fury to come out. I also love all 9 seasons of MLP. I love other Cartoons Shows, TV Shows, Movies, Comic books, Bocks, Games, Plays, and Misc. I am make my own power rangers team is called Animal Force from Earth Pony City but there is three other Power Rangers teams Pet Force from Alicorn City, Dog Force from Pegasus City, and Cat Force from Unicorn City that I made up. I made my own Mlp characters too. I can’t wait to make a crossover is from my favorite Cartoon Shows, TV Shows, Movies, Comic Books, Books, Plays, and Misc.

Can someone make a displaced fic about the sentai ryusoulger?

Wait Legit Carter grayson red lightspeed ranger

Hello there everyone. My name is Carter Grayson. I'm new here. How's it going everyone?

A Power Rangers/Super Sentai group? Well, I don't know how active it is, but I might as well join. I've loved the Power Rangers for a long time, and I've recently started watching Super Sentai, as well. I'll leave a video of one of my favorite PR seasons along with its Super Sentai counterpart.
"Time for Time Force!"

My favorite Power Rangers season is Dino Thunder.

I'm actually interested in doing a crossover, but everyone I asked to crossover with has yet to respond. Anyone with a Power Rangers/Super Sentai story want to cross the Morphing/Henshin grid?

What about the others. javascript:smilie(':fluttercry:');


377751 Not a single... one...


And yet, not a single Power Rangers meet MLP crossover. Just a bunch of Power Ponies. :ajsleepy:


THIS IS GONNA BE SO AWESOME!!! :rainbowkiss:

Did you guys see the season 4 finale? It was SO ****ING AWESOME!!! :rainbowkiss:

Wrong Sentai, bro.

357670 DEKA RED! DEKA BLUE! DEKA YELLOW! DEKA PINK! DEKA (black or green?)

354533 Stop tell me that. It annoying.:ajbemused:


Just gonna leave this here...

Put MMPR and MLP together, and you get awesomeness! :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 21 - 40 of 40