• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 2nd

Winter Rosario

Formerly Winter Solstice, Literally Sunset Shimmer, Discount Off-brand!

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Pics of things I like.


Thorny Rose: Premise. · 7:20am Apr 23rd, 2023

So, been working on this one. The last couple of weeks were pretty great! Real life wise. I got a massive raise, promotion to Supervisor (just below Manager. Ugh, responsibilities), and I got to see the Mario Movie! Wooo fucking hooo! So, here's what I got:

Our loveable Not Safe for Society gal gets reincarnated into the MLP Equestria Girls world. Upon arrival, she instantly noticed that it was more anime than cartoon. In both appearance and plot.

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Report Winter Rosario · 409 views · Story: A Winter's Rose ·
Comments ( 111 )
  • Viewing 107 - 111 of 111

Anything new going on?

Hope u continue writing liking wr she's goofy hope all is well

I recently binged your story, A Winter's Rose, and, I've got to say, it is a well aged story, and I love it. An emotional roller coaster for sure, and I can only hope to make a dirty just as good as it some day.

hey winter, I wanted to say thanks for the story’s, there lovely and never get old, I hope everything is well for you.

  • Viewing 107 - 111 of 111
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