• Member Since 28th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Budding proofreader

Have worked on:
Heart of Silver
My Little Portal: Quest to Save Canterlot
Weaponmaster by KazeRinShin


I need help finding people needing help · 1:29am Sep 10th, 2015

For a little while now I have been editing a few stories here and there and I have been looking to do a bit more as I start to approach the end of high school so I though that I might try this blog as a way to maybe get my name out there. I don't know if anyone will actually read this but if you do I ask you to please put my name forward for me if you find or know anyone who needs help editing their story or even just as a pre-reader as it would be much appreciated if you do.

Report Jacknife557 · 320 views ·


Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 29 - 38 of 38

Ty for the watch:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch! :raritywink: I appreciate it!

Thanks for watching me. It's an honor. :twilightblush:

Hey Dude, thanks for following me! :twilightsmile:

I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE:heart:

Thanks for the favorite on my story "The Pony That Fell From The Sky".

1742122 i do like the idea of giving your readers a say

Although I'm not near the end of The Taking of Tartarus, I want to know what I should write next. I created a poll for that because I want your opinion in this subject as you are my reader. If you want, you can make your own opinions, if you don't like my options. The link to the poll is this one: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll283913x4aef465d-11.

  • Viewing 29 - 38 of 38
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