These are some of my favorite quotes from stories here! (Avoiding Spoilers)
Story | Chapter
”I will gather the people! I will start a revolution if I have to march through every city in your kingdom and preach of equality, of freedom, of tolerance and most importantly, of the right to arm bears!”
“Don’t you mean bear arms?”
“Why would I want that? They’re already at a disadvantage! I can’t just spar against a poor, defenseless bear unless it's armed, let alone if I were armed instead! That would be just cruel!”
“Of course…”
-Foal Necromancer, Soul's Rebirth | That nose is going to need resetting...
Wheatley cleared his throat. Metaphysically speaking.
-Aperture Science Otherworldly Exploration Initiative | The Crash, Part One
The Madgod laughed at the idea of holding the mantle of Madness. One does not simply hold Madness; Madness holds one simply!
-The Madgod's Freedom | The Madgod's Entrance
"Wha - what could be worse than my blood?" she asked, almost fearing the answer.
Celestia held herself up in her most dignified pose as she arched an imperious eyebrow at the studious unicorn.
"Your library card!"
-The Jasmine Dragon | Wakey Wakey!
"But I have plan! There's a simple solution to this whole nightmare!"
"You do?" Celestia asked with concern. Something about his voice told her that nothing was alright, and he had already stepped dangerously close to open window.
"I do! It's simply ingenious!" he pointed a thumb behind him with a crazed smile, "I'm going to jump out that window."
-Souls Apart | Chapter 3: Tea
Sad to see such an amazing author gone.
nor are you an artist?
You're making an OFF crossover?
Hell yeah, dude! Get to it!
2191371 Oh! Heh, uhm, thanks! I didn't make it though. I pulled it off the web somewhere.
I've been meaning to make my own.