• Member Since 26th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2021

re- Yamsmos


I've Moved On · 6:35am Nov 13th, 2021

If there's something missing that you're looking for, go find it in the archives off-site.

I have moved on completely and would not like anything attached at the hip.

If you do end up finding me, please respect my decision and not bring up this site. It's not an embarrassment, just more something I'd rather move away from.

Thank you. Take care.

Report re- Yamsmos · 300 views ·
Comments ( 576 )
  • Viewing 567 - 576 of 576

This is like the ending to Halo: Reach. Or to Dark Souls 1.

If you're reading this, good luck on your next adventures. You probably won't.

Before you truly fade away into the mists of time, we should write a shitty collab together.

>gay tbh

Yeah I guess I am now.

And yeah it's a fucking slog, haha.

Gay tbh

I didnt realize it'd been literally a year since the last message
Being an adult is a fucking scam


Some day.

Also I missed you.


Oh dear God. lol.


My boy, that's not a word I'm associated with, but I'm flattered all the same. CoffeeBean and Regidar were gushing about how much of a badass you were earlier so I just had to. :heart:

Thanks for the watch, and from such an accomplished writer. I'm flattered.

  • Viewing 567 - 576 of 576
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