• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen June 12th

Xx soul sorrow xX

I write for fun xX and rememger to smile :)

Comments from fans <3

Fallout Equestria: A Gleam of Hope
"Finally, something making 2020 worth living through." - Super Trampoline

Fallout Equestria: Dream of Darkness:
"Every new chapter fills me with excitement." - Ara
"You are the best writer I have ever seen. An upvote for you!" - TwilightPoopSparkle

Taco Night
"This is so fricking funny. I'm crying and I've been laughing for the past five minutes; thank you for entertaining me." - Tennis Match Fan

Cave In The Cake
"I cried. Brilliant story." - Dim Nights
"It's like the ending of Pulp Fiction, but way better." - Ara

Cell-iPhone Dilemma
"Have a like. This is better than most sh*t I see on here" - Sk1Tz
"I love you. :ajsmug:" - re- Yamsmos
"That was ..... utterly glorious. Thank you, you've made my day." - MorningSandwiches

Origen of Saint Patrick
"Oh god my sides, this is the funniest thing I've ever read." - Kerbonstein
"Don't listen to the naysayers, this is exquisite. :)" - PresentPerfect

Alicorn fluttershy
"Love every minute! I like the solid truths in the story too like how even if it's true love, it won't work out if the dude is ugly. Not enough stories on here have truths like that." - Ara

Twisting Yer Innerds
This is, without a doubt, the best story I have ever read.
The characters were very believable, their backstories gripping, and the plot was perfect." - Pony With A Box
"This is the best thing I've read in a while." - FloydienSlip

Creepy Pasta
"you are the best kind of person" - Thaums

Date by the Sea
"love ur story dont listen to haters" - Ara
"This part, whether you intended it to or not, really made my day. ... I haven't laughed so hard in so long." - Lost_Marbles

Fan Club

hi if your a true fan please message me to see my unpublished Works warning they are not good with grammar becase i was not good writer when I write it and didn't have an editor. I had to remove the links i linked here bacause of troll comments :( so ueah please dm me but you have to be a real fan otherwise i wont give it up. thanks :heart:

Latest Stories


About my new story · 7:01pm Sep 23rd, 2022

Hello my frienx I uploaded my magnum opes last night about NARVII LOVE. He is an OC its not a crossover i know some were confused. All the characters in the story are OCs-o-mine. I have a lot of mlp OCs and sometimes make them just for one story its just the way the cookie falls Anyway I know you enjoyed it was a little more Adult oriented lmk if you guys like it and want more or to tone down it

Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20

Anytime, awesome possum!

Always here if you need a friend. 😇

that is so sweet thank you!!

Welp, thats always an option too heh

OHHHHhhhh thanks my man I just write for te fun of it mainely so thats why :)

  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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