• Member Since 1st Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2012



I'm Back Home! :D · 4:23am Apr 9th, 2012

Now that I'm doing better and my doctors got all the chemicals pumping through me in a row, I'm home after a week and a day, finally! :D

Just letting you guys know, and thanks to everyone who left me a message on my last journal. I would have left you all an individual reply, but, well, I felt like crap to say the least. Just know that I'm very grateful.

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“In other news, since it's apparent my health affects me more than my optimistic self likes to admit, I'm only going to be working part time from now on. That way I shouldn't be exhausted by life quite so much. Hopefully, there will be more from me soon!”

And truly, we would've loved to read more from you. You were one of the first here and you were an amazing person with big ideas. 9 years later, and we still miss you. Rest in Peace.

40851 What?! Why must the good die young?! :raritydespair:

You wrote some of my favorite chapters in one of the best early fics this fandom had. R.I.P.....only the good die young.

There can be no better way to exit the world than as one of us. R.I.P, and Geillsine.

Ace2401, you made me laugh out loud, and smile. I too never knew you, and yet I feel your loss. Ralfil, it is with deepest respect and sympathy that I hope you and your family keep Ace2401 alive in your hearts and memories. Please know that all who have read his stories shall miss him as well. May the powers you hold dear watch over your fallen pony.


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