• Member Since 8th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I am a master of self-inserts and self proclaimed lover of Rainbow Dash, I'm also cringe as fu-

The Side Box

The Solution to Zebradom, Fall of Equestria, and the False Changelings.

Step One: Lock 'n Load

Step Two: Open Fire

Step Three: More Guns

Step Four: Old School Guns

Step Five: Shoot the Runners

Step Six: Burn the Stragglers

Step Seven: Sanitize

Final Step: Dispose of the Remains in a Friendly and Safe Manner

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Tempted to do a Rewrite · 12:57pm May 18th

Hello all, it's been a minute but I'm just letting you know I'm doing well still. Everything has been going smoothly and I thank everyone again for their help previously.

Onto other things.

I've been rereading and looking through stuff, and while I'm still in the midst of writing for Vacation (which has been my only focus as the majority of my other stories are on hold or dead) and I've come to the conclusion about something with one of my stories, and that's What It Means.

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Absolute Trash

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Even More Favorites! Because Orgasms... eue

Comments ( 655 )
  • Viewing 651 - 655 of 655

well, thought yu might like this song of it.

and...The voice acting is amazing. Like, when you first see a clown zombie, or a flamer, even a revived zombie that mutates. sorry if I spoiled it

hey, you saw dead island 2 yet?

I know right? lmfao

god fucking bless the united states of america.

  • Viewing 651 - 655 of 655
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