• Member Since 8th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I am a master of self-inserts and self proclaimed lover of Rainbow Dash, I'm also cringe as fu-



This story is a sequel to Jacket

A jacket full of memories and a vaguely familiar feeling within her heart... yet despite these two things pestering her, Delta's been living the past week as best as she can—usually with a quick lay and a stiff drink.

And she's almost forgotten about the stallion that left the jacket at her place and a fond pain in her backside, but after a rough morning and a craving for smokes, she finds something under her bed that brings back memories of him.

The stallion with amber eyes.

Now With Fanfic Reading By Scarlett Blade

Massive thanks to P-Berry and NumberEight for proofreading, and massive thanks to Shinodage for making the cover art for this fic.

This story is based around Shinodage's askblog, Delta Vee's Junkyard. Needless to say, he owns the characters, universe, and so on, I was just given permission to fuck around in it.

I just own the mysterious stallion.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

h u h

At last, this is what I'm waiting for; the sequel of Jacket! I’m loving that this story is turning into the longer one, and it’s becoming an investigation story as well. The search for a mysterious stallion with only his eyes, cigarette, taste and smell as the clues.

I have a funny thought about Delta inviting stallions with amber eyes to have a bang with her, in order to find the right stallion from her past.

Great job, Dust. Now, I will be waiting for the next one. :twilightsmile:

the title has my first name in it XD :P

I read Jacket and this one. Delta....

Will they ever see each other again? I sure hope so. He seems he would give her the long lost happines she didn't have over a decade ago

And here I was hoping she was gonna rethink her life choices.

I hope that's a good H u h, :twilightblush:

Indeed it is, a surprise to most including me I'm sure! :rainbowkiss: And yee, she has more clues and finally solved the mystery, but what is she to do now? Who knows! We'll see!

Really now? :rainbowlaugh: Hahaha, well that's interesting.

That is so unbelievably fitting for these stories.


Possibly, we'll see.

Ya never know~

Thanks for reading everyone! And stay tuned!


the title has my first name in it XD :P


Your name is 'Smoke'?

no Amber ... XD

-great story BTW

It’s out already? :yay:

I love the imagery in this one, the symbols are simple yet powerful, almost poetic. I’m even more on edge than in the prequel and I desperately want to know more. I believe someone somewhere mentioned “Jacket” is someone we already know, if that were to e the case I really need to do some digging. I won’t ask for yet another sequel – your to do list clearly says you’ve got a lot going on right now – but I think I’ll come back to this at some point.

Why is Delta afraid of love? Is she still sore about what happened with Jet? I just realized I can’t tell when this story takes place, it could be anywhere from a few months after the break-up to several years later. Even more mystery to think about.

Helping on this story has been a pleasure and an honor, I’m super happy with how it came out :twilightsmile:

i always keep wishing that everyone have their happiness back so that they leave the past behind them. In the case of Delta, even after all that she did, she deserves someone like him - a chance to be happy again. And so does Jet. They both deserve a chance either by reuniting or by finding someone who is sweet and caring just like this jacket guy

I just realized I hadn't commented on this so I'm going to do just that.

I really like this. The "down on her luck, but doesn't give a fuck (or get a fuck, in this case)" theme I've seen done a few times before, but watching Delta's inhibitions work in tandem with desires she's too scared to admit even to herself is a lot a fun. Will she go after her crush for no other reason than to see him again, or will something even more startling about him keep her away? Really curious to see how she will adapt to this, if you choose to make a sequel, that is. Otherwise, it's just as enjoyable to imagine what could have been.

Yep! Haha.

And yeah, Shino did an awesome job with the cover art on this, really fits extremely well with the theme of what I was going for and I love it sooo much :rainbowkiss: And yeah, while I do have a to-do list that's quite big, there's a fairly good chance that I'll end up planning or writing up a rough doc for a sequel to this, so we'll see! As for if Jacket is someone we already know or not, well you'll all hear it from me right now, it's not, hehe.

I think most of that was just joking around.

Mhm, even more mystery. Why is she afraid of it? There's a good chance it's because of Jet, she might still be sore after everything that happened... maybe she's scared.

And thanks man, I really appreciate the help! :heart:

We'll see boyo, we'll see.

Thanks for reading dude!

And yeah, I do like the theme as well, it's one I've liked using when writing out Delta so far. As for what Delta will do now? It'll be a curious journey for our heroine, this is something new to her entirely... well... new enough that she's probably not going to know how to handle it properly, so we'll see how she adapts to it in the potential sequel idea I have,

Thanks for reading, everyone! :heart:

Was it just her luck? Was this week destined to just be so shitty for her?

Looks like it V:applejackunsure:.

Seriously, was it so hard to get a decent fuck nowadays?

For some yeah:ajsleepy:.

“I have a fucking crush on him…” She groaned out, slamming her head against the table, “Celestia damn it. ”

Yes, yes you do:ajsmug:.

How would she even begin to deal with this?!

Just do what you think is best:twilightsmile:.

“I need another drink…”

Not what I meant but okay...:unsuresweetie:

Man that was really good. I'm interested in seeing where this goes.

Maybe Trash can help her out. :rainbowlaugh:

Oooh, this is quite the page turner. Will Delta Vee find true love? Or perhaps another mindblowing night of sex only for him to diseappear again? Dun dun dun ... :raritystarry:

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