• Member Since 17th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 26th, 2016

Prism Shine

Guess who joined the Undertale Trash Can?


Gonna be off FIMFic for a while. · 12:04pm Nov 28th, 2015

Workin' on an animation, so yeah.

Report Prism Shine · 447 views ·

About all the Wonderbolts

I don't know what to call it. More shit will be added as the story progresses.
She's the typical captain. Professional and serious. However, she cares greatly about her teammates, and she actually has a sense of humor. She can be tricky at times.

He prefers to be treated as a normal pony. He's friendly and a lovable goofball. He can be intimidating when he wants to. He just chooses not to.

She likes attention, and she enjoys almost anything! Well, except everything formal. She's the fastest among all the Wonderbolts. She likes prodding into a pony's personal matters.
More will be added as the story progresses.

External links


-=[About me]=-

Hey there! I'm Prism. You can call me any of the following:
- Prism
- Prissy
- Solar
- Katie
- Shine
- Obs
- Dashie

~ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
~ Fairy Tail
~ Tokyo Ghoul (:re)

~ Drawing
~ Gaming
~ Chatting

Fav Princess:
3. Princess Celestia
2. Princess Cadance
1. Princess Luna

Fav Ships:
~ SoarinDash (MLP) [Soarin x Rainbow Dash]
~ NaLu (Fairy Tail) [Natsu x Lucy]
~ KaneYama (Tokyo Ghoul) [Kaneki x Tsukiyama]

Fav Artist:
Calm Wind!

Pony Pile

Weird facts about me

So.. here's a list of all the weird facts about me.

• I bend the second joint of my index finger, and bite into it. This only happens when I see fluff tho~~
• For some reason, I take on a tone of panic whenever my teachers call on me. (e.g. "Uh- I- Um- It's-")
• I call one of my friends a biscuit.
• I like to think up of new fanfiction ideas while at school. (e.g. Stir up some new chapter plots for PtS, etc.)
• I rub the back of my neck sometimes.
• I'm actually really loud and spunky, but I drop a Fluttershy whenever I meet someone new.
• I do the most random things at the most random times.
• I'm an attention whore.
• I draw in class.


Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 1 - 14 of 14

Thanks for the fave and the add! :yay:

Thanks for the follow. Have one i return.:twilightsmile:

Thanks so much for the fave on "A Chat with Mac"!

Thanks for the Favorite on Snuggler for Hire. Much appreciated.

Thanks for faving The End!!:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave on Easter with Rainbow Dash and Soarin! :pinkiesmile:

Mkay. (I just got back on the site after it was down.)


Ooh, please do! I would like some help in pre-reading too. :eeyup:

Thanks for the follow! :eeyup:

Yeah, sorry about that. It looked too rushed, and my mind had set on the ending. Sorryz! ;~;

Did you unpublish Chapter 2 of Princess of Cloudsdale? Email said you posted an update, and then the update was gone :C Looking forward to next chapter!

I just read your story "Princess of Cloudsdale" a minute ago. I happen to be good with description and I like the concept. If you want, I could help you make it flow better.

  • Viewing 1 - 14 of 14
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