• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen September 30th

Stardom Freedom

just kind of here, i guess.

Some of my Stories

Previous Usernames

Stardom Fright
Loopy Freedom
Galaxy Freedom


xH-anjii - A really nice person who was my first friend here on this site. We usually talk on Kik.

Galaxy Nebula - A huge fan of my OC, and is really fun to talk with. He's given me shout-outs, and always takes the time to chat with me.

Shy Marble Pie - This girl right here... she's awesome. She's done reviews of my stories, and is pretty social. Very excited to do things, and has even done a Q&A about me! Go follow her; she deserves WAY more than the 44 she has!

RainbowDashX12345 - She is a fan of, like, every single one of my stories. Literally. Also, she's really nice, like the people above. Go follow her too!

If you are a friend of mine that isn't listed above, tell me so I can add you!

Coming Soon to a Fanfic Website Near You

Is Life Really Magical? -

The Farland family's life is twisted. Their mother, Bailey Farland, has died a few years ago, and from that day on, Anthony Farland promised the best for his three children, Carson, Daniel, and Emily. One day, he went missing, and it's up to Carson to take care of his siblings.

But it's hard. But could one show meant for little girls cure his heartache?


wow she's inactive · 6:04am Jul 31st, 2019

hi guys! ok so my epic comeback wasn't very epic. but i was just feeling nostalgic and felt like coming back here, just to read my old stories and blog posts. not gonna lie, i cringed the whole time. :twilightoops: but taking a trip down memory lane was fun.

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Comments ( 259 )
  • Viewing 255 - 259 of 259

Spinny chair is best chair! :pinkiehappy:

Wow! You were here yesterday! :pinkiegasp:

A warrior has fallen...

Until... God, I don't know.
It has been a great honor.

  • Viewing 255 - 259 of 259
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I'm a Pegasister who loves My Little Pony.

I'm striving to be a very popular writer on this site, which I bet will never happen.

Anyway, some basics about me:

Name: Stardom Freedom, real name Nicole.

Favorite MLP Characters out of Mane Six (and whole show) (6 being least favorite, 1 being most favorite):
1: Twilight Sparkle
2: Fluttershy
3: Pinkie Pie
4: Applejack
5: Rainbow Dash
6: Rarity

Favorite out of CMC (3 being least favorite, 1 being most favorite)
1. Sweetie Belle
2. Apple Bloom
3. Scootaloo


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